Self Help Section

Content Type - Articles, News, Quiz, Research work etc

You will find a wide range of content on Planning Tank. This section will provide a broad categorization of what is covered and what we plan to cover in near future:

  1. Planning related

    • Urban Planning

    • Rural Planning

    • Transportation Planning

    • Master/ Regional Plans

    • Misc.

  2. Data related

    • Data Analysis

    • Data presentation

    • Data Processing

    • Information Processing

  3. Geographical Information System (GIS)

  4. Academic Writing

  5. Thesis brief & Dissertations

  6. Quizzes & Meme

  7. Information about Indian colleges offering Planning Education

  8. LandMentor Software

  9. Survey Templates & Questionnaires

  10. Job & internship Updates (needs to be updated on regular basis)

  11. Important links and websites for Planning Students

  12. Misc. (News, updates about courses, writing tips etc.)

Content Writing

Online content is perhaps more important now than it ever has been. As you might have noticed most of the existing articles are educational and academic in nature. We do add informal articles, but they are still very few. Let us know what types of articles you would like to provide. All of our articles are generally 1000+ words and SEO friendly. We can help you with the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) basics if it adds to your interest. We have added more details about various types of content later in this file.

Type of articles/ content writing options available on Planning Tank

There are a few different types of articles which we cover on Planning Tank, a brief information/ explanation for them is mentioned below for your reference. Let us know which will work best for you and the others you would like to explore & try your hands on.

1. Wikipedia type articles

You can consider them as factual, unbiased and research based content. These are most suitable for us since we are working on creating educational and academic content. These cover only one single topic and are highly relevant for people searching the topics on Google & other search engines.

2. Blog/ Stories/ Experiences

(Formal/ Industry oriented) - These include the topics/ experience of working while dealing with a project or surveys. These are more like the author's understanding/ version of the project or topic he/ she wishes to share.

(Informal/ Event/ Conference Based) - These include the topics/ experience of visiting a conference/ workshop. These might be career suggestions or the author's own experience about it. Or something they wish to share with the community, increase awareness and does not fit in other categories.

3.Dissertation/ Thesis Abstract/ Research Papers

As the name suggests, these include author's research or a part of it. We usually publish abstract in a specific format which covers title, aim, objective, scope, limitations, etc. We try to keep it approx. 1500-2000 words. The longer/ full version is made available in a pdf file at the end of the article (only if the author is willing to share the whole research). Format and more information is available on this page

4. Acts/ Missions/ Schemes

These include explanation, aim, impact and assessment. These may or may not include a case study since case studies are published separately under the "Dissertation/ Thesis/ Research Papers" category. Examples include AMRUT, Smart Cities mission etc.

5. Book recommendation & reviews

These recommendations might be from author or based on some research or industry insights. Depending on the case as it may be, such information is mentioned in the article accordingly.

6. Academic Writing

Under this category we cover topics which helps students to understand the writing style, need and how to go about them. Writing thesis, dissertations, essays, research papers, referencing etc. Articles under this form a combination of the author's own experience and “Wikipedia type articles". We consider this as one of the essential parts of a student's curriculum and thus try to maximize the use of what industry best practice, internet and author has to offer.

7. Compendium

This is the recent addition on the website, this compendium category (as the name suggests) will have selected articles under it. This will be the preferred category for articles which are published in the form of a series and other articles which are closely related to a particular topic/ theme.

8. Listings/ Rankings/ Collections

Under this type we will be publishing lists. For example, 10 websites to follow for urban planners, top 10 Indian websites managed by students, most active/ useful Facebook groups to join, Instagram accounts to follow, innovative companies to follow, websites for jokes etc.

9. Miscellaneous

These are random but relevant contributions which do not fit perfectly in any of the above categories but still relevant for readers. It may be the work of an urban planner, explanation/ interpretation of quotes or just any type which is currently not an active category/ section on a website.

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